
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    How's farming around eastern Kentucky?

    I've had in interest in this industry for a few years since visiting a farm with my uncle years ago. In our area devastated by the closing of our mines, I'm curious how this industry fares in the area. I'm sure is less developed and awareness is low, I've began reaching out to those working in...
  2. M

    Farms to visit in eastern ND/central MN

    I'm looking to visit some farms in Eastern ND or central MN to learn about farming! Anyone located in that area or as close to it as possible?
  3. Padencreek

    Deer From Eastern PA Positive for CWD

    DEER FROM WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FARM TESTS POSITIVE FOR CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE <a</a News for Immediate Release April 8, 2014 <a</a<a</a Deer from Western Pennsylvania Farm Tests Positive for Chronic Wasting Disease Harrisburg â€“ A Jefferson County deer tested positive for Chronic...
  4. W

    Eastern ace sons??

    I had triplet buck fawns out of eastern ace and I am looking at possibly selling one of them. Anyway dose anyone have any pics of some eastern ace sons they would be willing to share. Thanks
  5. Wild Rivers Whitetails

    Eastern Sport Show, PA

    Just saw on Facebook and it is on their website, that the Eastern Sport show in Harrisburg is not allowing certain weapons to be displayed at the show. Really - a hunting show??? They claim on their website that they support the second amendment, but apparently only half heartedly. As a...
  6. M

    Eastern ohio Whitetail Auction!

    The 2011 Ohio Spring Spectacular Whitetail Deer Auction will be March 31-April 1st, 2011. The Ohio Spring Spectacular Whitetail Auction marks the end of the 2010-2011 fall and winter auction season. This year we have planned to hold an auction that will put the buyers and sellers in a marque...
  7. M

    2010 Eastern Ohio Breeder Auction Additional Information

    The Eastern Ohio Breeder Auction Sale Catalogs will be in your hands shortly. Look at Lot #74 on Page 45. Waldvogel Whitetails Selling Puple 112 Live bred to Spyder 163"@1, Rolex Son. Yellow 1 the anchor doe in this pedigree should read: Yellow 1 PA Geronimo/Flip/Max daughter! This...
  8. M

    2010 Eastern Ohio Breeder Auction Catalog

    The 2010 Eastern Ohio Breeder Auction Catalog is now available online. Go to: http://www.midwestwhitetaildeersales.com/2010easternohiocatalog.html Then click on the pages to view. The sale will be held in Columbus, Ohio on March 4-6th, 2010. For hotel information goto...