
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. orionwt

    Totally Typicals 6th edition

    We are in the process of putting together the next edition of Totally Typicals. If you have a buck you would like to have included in our next edition please call or email Brad. Totally Typicals is mailed out to over 6000.   We will have booth at the Top 30   brad@orionwhitetails.com...
  2. W

    Whitetail Guide Fall Edition - Reserve Your Space Now

    Our Mailing List is exclusive to the Whitetail Guide The Whitetail Guide Fall Edition will be sent directly to 4,000+ mailboxes of the active Whitetail Deer Farming members of 20 National and State Associations across the country! The Whitetail Guide Fall Edition will also be sent out in a...
  3. ohdeer

    Deer Tracking Magazine- Winter 2015 Collector's edition

    (20,24,35); 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, Many of you know that Deer Tracking Magazine has remained committed to being an industry resource for 17 years now.   (20,24,35); 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana,   (20,24,35); 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, Well, the time has come once...