
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Jack

    change of email address

    Just a FYI we have changed our email address to [email protected] for all the guys and gals who buy AI supplies from me.  We have PMSG in stock now if interested just email me on it.  Thanks.
  2. D

    Missouri Dept of Conservation sending email blasts

    Received this email today directly from MO Dept of Conservation -- why not send SUPPORT emails to your Senators in FAVOR of this bill. I'm sure the MO Dept of Ag won't be sending out blast emails!! (email blast) The Missouri Department of Conservation is sending this information as a...
  3. T

    Sign Up for ACA E-mail Updates!

    If anyone wants to sign up for American Cervid Alliance e-mail updates, please click the link below. It's free!   The ACA sends regular updates of industry news and immediate recaps of council meetings.    You may also sign up at  ...
  4. C

    Email Change

    My Email has changed to [email protected]
  5. W

    WARNING Email Scam

    This morning I receive the following email that is a scam! If you reply it will go to ([email protected]) you will notice that is V V and not a W! Also that is not Mark’s phone # or fax #. ((Hello, I am sorry for reaching you rather too late due to the situation of things right...
  6. La. Bone Collector

    Mark Mast Email

    I received one of those Dubai Need Money Scam emails. It looked like someone got into Mark Mast email account or something as it looked legit. Did anyone else get one? Can anyone explain?
  7. Wicked Whitetails

    Email messages

    I hate the fact that I even have to be saying this, but around lunch time today my email was hacked into and stuff was sent to everyone that I had saved in my contacts. If you got an email from me please disregard the content of that message. This is just rediculous that we even have people that...
  8. T

    red cap need help with starting this program can someone email me the directions plea

    i would like to start doing this program and would like if someone that has the instructions on how to use the red cap milk ? my email address [email protected] . thanks alot