
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Emergency! Please advise!

    1 yr old white tail buck was fine yesterday no issues this morning he was down cannot get up staring off into space and very wobbly. no apparent weight loss in good condition please advise??
  2. D

    Emergency surgery...

    New Years Eve, Wednesday, I was standing on the front porch and saw a doe with a badly swinging, broken, front leg being chased by a mature buck. I got out the dart gun and loaded some BAM. It took a while to find her but I finally got her darted. Of course then I had to stand guard to keep the...
  3. T

    Emergency regulatory alert

    EMERGENCY REGULATORY ALERT Ref: 100% Mandatory CWD Testing for ALL Operations: Production and Hunting10-3-13 All PDFA Members Yesterday, The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture laid out to PDFA leadership the new General Quarantine Order; Chronic Wasting Disease...
  4. K

    Emergency Help with fawn

    I've had a fawn for the past few weeks who's been doing great Wonderful eater we haver him on manna pro multi-nuring formula in recent weeks we added 2 table spoons of pumpkin pureed and 2 table spoons of plain yogurt for pro biotics we also try to keep alfalfa hay available. I could find very...