
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Edgemoor

    For Sale Going out of business fence and equipment sale

    4900' of woven fence on 40 rolls of various lengths. 178 fence posts 12' long 42 fence posts 10' long 27 fence posts 8' long 23 fence posts 8' long (7-8" dia.) 4 gates 4'x8' 4 gates 8'x8' 3 gates 6'x8' 6 Nelson waterers Plus many other goodies I will throw in. $4531 for all. Roger Shoup...
  2. M

    For Sale Deer Equipment Relisting

    I had a squeeze chute listed earlier and didn't get much interest so I decided to list it again along with other equipment. This is what I have: Squeeze chute 1400' of 8' fencing with posts. Grain bin Gates Willing to sell individually or together. Make an offer. See pics for details.
  3. A

    For Sale Deer Chute $700 OBO - South Texas

    Deer Chute For Sale. $700 OBO. Located in Orange Grove TX (2 hours south of San Antonio / 40 miles west of Corpus Christi). Call or text: 3 six 1 - 945-184 zero
  4. R

    Equipment for new farmer

    Hello all. I'm in the beginning stages of starting my farm and wanted to get a list together of equipment/supplies that you should always have on hand for an injury or illness. List anything you think is hepful to always have on hand from medicines down to rubber gloves. Thanks for the help
  5. R

    For Sale Deer herd and all equipment for sale

    Selling all deer and equipment located in northeast tx.about 130 miles east of dallas,tx 4 breeder bucks 46 breeder does, ages 2- 8 yrs.of age 24 yearling bucks 24 buck fawns 15 doe fawns genetics from HWH whitetails includes, Scarface, Showtime, Cardiac Kid, Bambi Longhorn, Bambi Doubledrop...
  6. Martin's Deer Products

    Looking for Equipment to buy

    I am posting this for Danial King in Honey Brook PA. He is looking to purchase a mixer, 750lb to 1000lb and he is also looking for a minimum of a 4 ton silo. Please call Daniel at (717) 768-2809 as soon as possible.
  7. C

    Need Help With Equipment!!!

    Anyone within 2 hours of Mckean county (Smethport PA) that could rent me or direct me to a place that I can rent a post pounder? One that attaches to 3 point hitch or skid steer? Desperate need of one for a couple of days.....
  8. H

    New vs Used Equipment

    We are in the process of purchasing an immobilizing projector that is cartridge fired and a mid size semen tank. We are debating weather purchasing brand new or some brand used. We saw a projector the other day that was a few years old and still worked flawlessly. I would think you could...
  9. T

    what Tranquilizer equipment do you use?

    Looking at the Cap-Chur equipment and it looks like a good thing anyone have one or use one?