
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    Experience with deer mice in captivity

    So I just thought I'd start jotting down my thoughts about deer mice. I have a trio. 2 males an one female. The female was wild caught, turned out to be pregnant, and had a litter of 6, of which I got to keep 2 of the males. They live quite happily in a 5 gallon tank. They loooove to shred...
  2. D

    Improve Your Whitetail Experience

    cambria, serif 14ptWhitetail deer are particularly adept at using all of their senses in order to avoid danger. Among the most refined of their senses is their sense of scent. Deer use this sense of smell to protect them from adversaries such as wolves and coyotes as well as hunters. While we...
  3. A

    BAM first experience

    We have tranquilized and moved several hundred whitetail maybe even a thousand in the last 30 plus years with rompum and in recent years Telazol mix. Finally all the BAM hype got us . I ordered. a kit last week to move some bucks out of northern MN to our place. Antlers are off , outside temp...
  4. W

    Common misconception to those looking to get into this industry...your experience?

    I think there's a common misconception with new deer farmers or those looking to get into the 'business'. This being, that if you cross a super buck like Rolls Royce, to a super doe (let's say one out of Maxbo Hardcore), that any buck out of that combo will be what you expect it to be...
  5. U

    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure

    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure By: Randy Senior 11/11/2010 Email to a friendPrinter-friendly ELLWOOD CITY - For most families, a hunting or fishing trip with the children is all too easily taken for granted. Unfortunately, there are thousands of families who...
  6. B

    Rescued baby fawn (No deer experience!)

    Alright, seeing as i have no previous experience with deer this is probably going to start a big war.... but lets just try and focus on saving my little deer. A friend and I were riding our horses through a field just below our barn and we came across two baby deer, One already dead. There...
  7. U

    Nine youngster experience their first whitetail deer hunt in WI

    Oct. 9-11, 2009 nine special hunters from Minnesota and Wisconsin will get the opportunity to go deer hunting near Birnamwood, WI. This will be USSA’s 5th/ annual “Learn to Hunt” deer hunt. Most of these youth have a life threatening illness and this will give them an opportunity to turn their...