
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Antibiotic for a expose fracture

    Hi, I want to know if you got any information about the use of Clindamycin for osteomyelitis, becaus for dogs and cats is the indicated, but for ruminants its contraindicated because of the gastrointestinal affections that may cause. Or what other antibiotic you think is good for this.
  2. jerrilee cave

    Ted Nugent weighs in on Ryan Sabalow's opinionated deer farming/preserve expose

    http://www.outdoorchannel.com/article.aspx?id=22835&articletype=article&key=nugent-takes-py-to-task&p=wc The Pope & Young Club released it official position statement this week on fair chase and canned hunting, condemning such practices. We asked Ted Nugent of Spirit of the Wild questions...