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  1. U

    baby buck won't stop sucking on my face!!

    He is about a wrek and a half,, I dont know if it's normal but when he sees me he would rather suck on my chin/face than eat from his bottle. is it because he thinks im his mum and he would rather nurse from another animal? how do I get him to eat more? he will also wake me up multiple times...
  2. G

    Doe fawn with swollen face

    This doe fawn I have had a swollen spot directly under her eye. She was given nuflor about 5 days ago 1cc SQ for a cough she wasn't kicking. She is acting fine and eating fine. Anyone have any idea what could case this and should she be given anything for it. Thanks in advance
  3. T

    Deer Spots on face

    Anyone know what this is?  It started off like little sores like if he scratched his face with his hoof but kept getting more and now they are black.  They are not raised but flat and soft. 
  4. S

    To put a smile on your face

    LIfe is so stressful now that I want to share a happy moment with you all.  If this does not put a smile on your face, well it is a very bad day.  
  5. B

    3 yr old buck wth sores on face and mouth?

    He started acting lethargic 4 days ago and ears drooped so I hit him with 2cc of draxxin. He showed improvement but now stays humped up and don't want to walk and has sores around his mouth. Any suggestions plz?
  6. woodedacreswhitetails

    buck fawn - lumps on face

    Hello fellow deer farmers!  I've posted a picture of a buck fawn that has lumps on his face, like warts or some kind of growth.  He is eating well and doesn't demonstrate any change of normal behaviour.  What do you think it is?  Is it something I need to be concerned about?  I have several...
  7. Wicked Whitetails

    Lump on my bucks face

    Hey idk if anyone has ever seen this before, but my 3yr old buck has developed this lump right behind his left eye. He is tame enough that i have breifly touched it and it doesnt seem rock solid. My thoughts are that is might me a popped blood vessel or something from running into a stick or...
  8. S

    Sores on Face

    I am hoping that someone can tell me what these sores are on this White Tail's face. She is a year old and these started developing about two weeks ago. What can be done about it? Thank you.
  9. J

    Swollen face

    This fawn had her face swell 24hrs ago. it is not her jaw, but allong the muscle that runs under the eye, about the size of a golf ball. I have no idea what is causing it? She'll eat leaves out of my hand so i believe she is eating (not bottle fed). Not sure what to think, anyone encounter...
  10. P

    doe fawns face. any clues?

    one of my doe fawns developed this on her face in the past few days. any clue as to what it is? im completely lost on this one.
  11. K

    Doe with a swelling on her face

    I have doe that has a golf ball size swelled mass on her face it appears to be redish looking, she hasen't had her fawns yet, just wonding what I should do?
  12. K

    13 week fawn with big mass on face

    I just seen one of my fawns with a mass about the size of a baseball below its ear behind its jaw. Wondered if anyone seen anything like that or know what it might be?
  13. W

    FACE BOOK - Another way to promote and keep in touch.

    Face Book, in addition to Quest and Da Buck Channel, is another way we can promote out Farms. Join Warren Whitetails on Face Book and see whats going on!!
  14. J

    Fawn with "sore" on face.

    Can anyone help me identify what this might be? Could it be fungi or bacterial or viral or parastic?
  15. T

    "scrapes" on face

    Just received another buck fawn to rehab. he is older (not much) then the other we are rehabing. After one week together both buck fawns have spots on their face that look like scrapes. I have seen the two buck fawns pushing each other. Is this a dominance thing? Any suggestions?
  16. W

    fawns face swelled

    i have a doe fawn born yesterday that has a cut on her head and her face is swelled up like she got kicked. she is eating about 2oz. at feeding but her face is getting hard where she is swelled. any ideas what to give her