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  1. Jack

    One of my favorite hybrid bighorn sheep

    This is off topic from whitetail but I wanted to share one of my favorite hybrid bighorn rams with you guys.  This ram will be three this April.  The hybrid vigor we get in horn growth is amazing.  This ram weighs 250 pounds and has 14 plus inch bases.  He is the second picture.  Now that I look...
  2. S

    Favorite wild buck???

    The talk about the Milo Hanson buck made me wonder what your favorite wild buck is not including the Hanson buck. I like the Schmucker buck that was shot in southern Ohio a few years back. He has a big typical frame with anough extra to score great. Offcal 295 3/8.
  3. Reed68

    Whu Does BT ALWAYS Take my wifes favorite?

    For the last 5 years EVERY fawn that my wife brings in and babies and spoiles always seems to be the one that dies. This year "Princalina"(09), "Febe"(08), "Tinker Bell"(07), "Pixie"(06), "Browning"(05). All ofthese were picked to be her favorites and she has lost them all. I lost the last one...
  4. I

    come and show of your favorite buck

    :D here is the place to show off your favorite buck. and tell why you like him. here is Great Smoky who i call Chopper. I like him because he is super tame!!! he will eat peanuts right out of your hand.(he is out of eclipse top side and maggie on the bottom.)...