
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    New Featured Friday

    The people have spoken and Team Buckstocker.com has listened. Based on the overwhelming support and suggestions from our members we are proud to announce Buckstocker.com’s Featured Friday is now a weekly event. Now every Friday will be Featured Friday. We expanded on the concept to include...
  2. C

    Featured Friday!

    Buckstocker.com January Featured Friday is here! Join us Friday night Jan. 27th between 8 and 10 pm for our monthly sales event. We already have some great lots listed from Red Ridge Whitetails, Red Cedar Whitetails, and more on the way. If you have not listed your lots yet there is...
  3. S

    RW Trophy Ranch featured on Deer & Wildlife Stories

    Hangin’ With Mr. Williams – Keith visits the RW Trophy Ranch and we meet Robert Williams, who some call the Godfather of Deer Farming. Keith also finds it’s easier to wet a line than do your chores. CLICK HERE to watch the episode for free online. The 2011 Season of Deer & Wildlife Stories...