
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. SJames

    Maxbo Impact - Gone but not forgotten!!

    Maxbo Impact was designed and built by John Irvin Stoltzfus for maximum production. He was based on 2 of the most prolific producers of all time in Maxbo and Sudden Impact. He was a gorgeous yearling and 2 year old but unfortunately he got some type of spine infection/injury early in the Summer...
  2. U

    No Child Should be Forgotten!!

    Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris hit back to back home runs numerous times in the early 60’s. Baseball hall of fame catcher Yogi Berra coined the famous phrase “It's déjà vu all over again". Yogi explained it was his way to describe game changing events by a couple exceptional hitters. I believe...
  3. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Bucks gone but not forgotten

    I thought it would be a good idea with all the sales in full swing to pay tribute to the bucks that left thier farms way to early this past year. If you have a picture of the buck lost please post it for all us us to see and remember them in all thier Beauty!!!! Thanks and Happy Holidays to...