
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. V

    crooked front legs

    I have a 3 day old fawn with crooked front legs, they bend backwards @ the knee, any ideas why? & how can I fix this? Thanks v_hedrick
  2. T

    Fawn walks without front hooves

    Thanks for all the help that is provided by the experienced farmers on this page. I'm sure many, many of us read the threads on here and find info we need but neglect to thank you for your help. Hope you realize how beneficial it is to us new guys.   Got a fawn i need some help with. He was...
  3. J

    Bred doe having front hoof problems

    Good afternoon my fellow deer farmers, hope your fawning season is starting off right.  I've ran into an issue with a doe I AI'ed.   She is do May 20, @ 180 days, She looks breed but not as big as a couple of the others.  All winter she has kind of been light on her front feet but the last few...
  4. W

    Only Few Hours to Bid on Front and Back Cover for Whitetail Guide Volume 10

    Front and Back cover will be sold on <aTonight</a to the highest bidder. Click on links below to bid.   Bid On Front Cover   Bid On Back Cover     Welcome to the Whitetail Guide VOLUME 10 (Hardcover...
  5. J

    front leg injury (can see bone)

    So a month ago I picked up a new doe. Got her home she was a little crazy. She managed to Peel some skin off of the front of her leg on the fence. I didnt want to dart her again or stress her out anymore so I I watched from a distance, she limped for a couple days then started acting normal...
  6. H

    Front hoof damage

    My son is telling me that one of our yearling does have damaged her left hoof. He is saying that she sliced off the side of her hoof as if you sliced a piece off an apple off. He does not see any damage to the bottom of the hoof. She is not putting weight on it at all. With all the rain we...
  7. C

    Front page Indianapolis Star

    Anyone seen front page of Indy Star this morning.
  8. L

    Crooked front legs

    Anybody ever see legs like this. He is a two year old doesn't seem to bother him just has troubles at times but can still run. I cringe when he does run expecting them to snap.
  9. R

    Animal Liberation Front in Iowa?
  10. B

    Inside front cover of WDFO summmer newsletter is available

    The inside front cover of the WDFO newsletter being mailed May 20 is available. Whoever buys that spot will also have the first chance at the same spot in the big Fall issue being mailed August 15. Give me a call for details.
  11. C

    Yearling buck with broken front leg

    What can I do for a yearling buck with a broken front leg?
  12. Padencreek

    Swollen Front Leg

    I just wanted a few opinions on this one. I searched both the old and new forums and there isn't much on this topic. I'm just going to watch it for a couple days before I do anything but would like some feedback on my two year old doe's swollen knee joint. It is not tender and she appears...
  13. B

    No use of front legs??

    I have a doe fawn that is 10 months old and otherwise perfectly healthy. We found her 4 days ago unable to get up. She had no sign of injury yet she could not use her front legs at all. We put her in the barn and have been treating her with dexamethasone daily as well as lactated ringer to keep...
  14. ohdeer

    Top 30 -Deer Tracking Summer Front cover

    Auction item up for bid at the Top 30 banquet. Please plan to attend to place your winning bid! Just a reminder to our Deer Tracking friends...The front cover for the Deer Tracking Summer issue 2012 will be auctioned off at the Top 30 banquet once again. Total money raised goes directly to...
  15. D

    Fawn walking on front legs with hooves turned under

    Anyway I can help him correct this or will he grow out of it? Should I splint them straight? any and all help appreciated
  16. T

    Deformed Front Feet on Fawn!?!?

    I have fawns dropping like crazy right now, 4 were born yesterday. All are doing great except one of my buck fawns. He tries to walk on the very tips of his front hooves but he doesnt have any flexibility in that joint directly above the hoof. It roles over and he ends up walking around on the...