
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Jack

    My A.I. fun begins

    We will start by doing a clone of a sheep tomorrow.  We cloned a very big rocky bighorn which was very wide for bighorns.  Then we will LAP AI some hybrid sheep.  The next day we will LAP AI our mule deer.  Then we will LAP AI another group of Mule deer the next day.  Then the final day we will...
  2. Jack

    Had some deer fun yesterday

    We worked 88 head of does and fawns. I had help from two of my sons thank God.   Wormed and gave C&D+t and vitamins and 2nd Josh vaccine to all the fawns. We put CIDRS in the whitetail and mule deer does and gave vitamins and BO-SE and booster shot of Josh vaccine to all of them. Good news...
  3. D

    Another fun question......

    Name who you think the top five (or who ever you can name) producing does are of all time!!:confused::D
  4. D

    Ok A fun question?!!

    Here we are in another fawning season....and I am enjoying it as I always do...any who :eek:....... I was sitting there feeding the fawns today and as i was feeding several of them...... and as they were joyfully sucking down their milk they started, as they often do the front leg up and down...
  5. U

    Donors Create New Way of Fun for USSA Kids!

    Attached are pictures of USSA’s new playground and tree-fort built for our special kids. John A. Biewer Co. of Wisconsin Inc. provided the generous treated lumber donation. Walgreens helped greatly with a substantial financial donation for construction costs. Oakdale Electric Cooperative...