
Deer Farmer Forum

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    Missouri fundraising auction

    The Missouri Whitetail Deer Breeders and Hunting Ranch Association is asking for your help! We are working hard to preserve our rights to continue operating in the cervid business here in Missouri. In 2012 the Missouri Department of Conservation Made a serious effort to effectively end the...
  2. IndependenceRanch

    W.O.W. Fundraising Semen Lottery

    I have been thinking about a fun way to raise money for Whitetails Of Wisconsin this year during the April 13 annual banquet. I have not run this idea past the board however I am hoping they won't have an issue with the idea. I dug into my semen list and picked out 10 bucks of varying status in...

    Nadefa fundraising auction

    Anyone seen the line up for the benefit auction?
  4. A

    Iowa Whitetail Deer Association Conference and Fundraising Auction

    Come join us for the 11th Annual Iowa Whitetail Deer Association Winter Conference and Fundraiser Auction, March 8th & 9th at the Isle Hotel and Casino in Waterloo, Iowa. Friday night we will have a social hour starting at 7pm with pizza and refreshments. Saturday registration will start...