
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Future deer farm carrer

    Hello all, I am a college student from Louisiana. I am in the major of agriculture and have found interest in starting a deer farm when i graduate. I know it is very expensive to start up. I have 40 acres that has been passed on to me. So say I farm 30 of those acres with whitetail deer that...
  2. N

    Unborn fawns for sale out of power doe! Big typical genetics! future breeder buck!

    I have a live cover of ov  loverboy so i thought i would offer the unborn fawns here first, Most of you know loverboy is a straight out the sides WIDE typical with a great pedigree and proven production! Im gonna cover him to one of my power does, she is a 100% pure glen dice bred doe! she comes...
  3. S

    Please Help Future Deer Farmers

    Friends, Here is a chance for you to register for a new Ford Focus and help a worthy cause at the same time. The process is quick and easy and can be done on-line. Just click the link at the bottom of this page and fill out the form. Be sure to put Ponchatoula High School in the box labled FFA...
  4. D

    What are your future plans??!!

    here is a survey to see what your personal farming plans are for the future......this is an anonymous vote......
  5. Russell

    The Future of Hunting?

    Here are some interesting statistics that will likely affect the current major market for whitetail deer farmers. These trends should be taken into account and incorporated into your planning for the industry. Russell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There are a lot...
  6. R

    Future Deer Farmer

    The deer farmer of the future. Mr. Marcus
  7. B

    Future Farmer

    Hello everyone, My girlfriend/Fiancee and I just recently purchased a house in San Marcos, Tx. and I'm starting my second semester at Texas State University working towards a Wildlife Biology degree. For the last year or so I have been researching Wild game farms/preserves of all sorts, that...
  8. A

    Deer Hunting in the Near Future

    Build a better deer trap and the world will beat a path to your door...