
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. N

    Want To Buy Fencing, Posts, Gates, elk handling facility

    Located in Wisconsin. Feel free to shoot me an email with what you have for sale. Thank you! [email protected]
  2. W

    For Sale For sale 8 ' high tensile wire, steel & wood posts & gates

    18 rolls ( 2430 ft) of high tensile fence @ .80 /ft. Steel 12' posts @ $15 each ( over 100 available. . 12' wooden posts @ $7 each ( approximately 50). 12 gates from $20 - $100. 5 walk through gates and 7 large drive through gates. 2 damaged hay surrounds - $15 each. And 4 feed troughs- $10 ea.
  3. MajesticWhotetails

    For Sale Gates

    I build quality custom pen gates. 8x8 8x10 8x12 8x16 Price depends on size. Fully welded. 1-1/2" square tubing. Painted. 90 day warranty. Located in Indiana. Message me for more details.
  4. F

    For Sale Gates and Chute

    (3) 7'x14' 9 bar gates with hardware- $400/gate. Hydraulic Squeeze has side squeeze and adjusts vertically. Access doors on side. Cylinders and valve stack in good condition, will need new remote hoses. Includes curtains. Heavy. $3000 Will deliver. Leave your info and ill get in touch with...
  5. 400CLUB

    For Sale Used fence, gates, chute, and trailer for sake

    2100' of used fence 2 10' gates with man doors in them. Nice chute 1987 16' bumper pull livestock trailer
  6. J


    Anyone have a pic or some plans for a gate I could make myself. I can weld. Just trying to get pics of other people's to see what would be most simple.
  7. 400CLUB


    Bekaert 8' deer and elk fence.  330' rolls.  $400 12' round treated wood posts.  4" - $15, 5" - $17, 6" - $23 Gates... 'Bitstream Vera Serif', 'Times New Roman', serif;medium4' - $185 'Bitstream Vera Serif', 'Times New Roman', serif;medium6' - $210 'Bitstream Vera Serif', 'Times New...
  8. 400CLUB

    Used 12' gate, new gates, new fence, new wood posts, new brace pins, new wire strainers for sale!

    (0,0,0);'Times New Roman';mediumUsed 12' gate with hardware...$200  (0,0,0);'Times New Roman';medium(21) 4"-5" treated wood posts...12'...$15.50 each (0,0,0);'Times New Roman';medium(21) 6" treated wood posts...12'...$23 each (0,0,0);'Times New Roman';mediumwire strainers...$3 each...
  9. WillPenn Whitetails

    Driveway Gates

    As many of you know we are in the process of building a new house and moving our farm down to Carlisle, PA. We are installing electric fence around the property, and would like to get some feedback or leads on driveway gates from those of you that have them. I'm thinking standard black bi fold...
  10. F


    I am looking at putting a new gate in that comes into my preserve.I was wondering does anyone have any good suggestions on designs?
  11. T

    Deer Gates!!! / TDA

    For those planning on attenting the 2011 TDA the weekend of August 12th-14th and for those that still haven't purchased one of our superior game fence products, the Deer Gate, then now is your opportunity to place an order in advance and save big! We are taking pre-orders on the gates now until...
  12. T

    TDA / Deer Gates!!!

    For those planning on attenting the 2011 TDA the weekend of August 12th-14th and for those that still haven't purchased one of our superior game fence products, the Deer Gate, then now is your opportunity to place an order in advance and save big! We are taking pre-orders on the gates now until...
  13. 400CLUB

    Automatic Driveway Gates

    Does anyone have an automatic driveway gate that you like? Know of installers? Thanks!
  14. T


    i am planning on building some pens, is there a good commercial gate avaliable? i was thinking a 10 0r 12 foot ally with a minimum 8 foot gate,(or maybe 10 feet?)gate on the end and also into each pen.Any thoughts?i could make my own if that is my best option, as i think i will use drill stem...
  15. A

    Sale on new gates

    Marla at Stiegel Fabrication in Moberly, MO has a pile of brand-new gates that someone never came for...she has 18 that measure 14x7.5' and are painted blue. I have over 40 gates on my farm that was built at her shop and have never had any trouble-these are really good, strong gates. She has...