
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    New Girl

    Hello everyone, I am the latest addition to this community. I just got a job on a deer farm and will be in need for some help to get me to familiarize with this animal. Allow me to explore this forum to gain new knowledge that can help me to keep my job.
  2. roughcountrywhitetails

    Please keep our new babie girl in your prayers

    Macie Lane Czapla born 4/24/12 she has a condition that caused her intestines and stomach to be on the outside of her she had surgery right after brith and will need surgery again sometime in the next week. She will have to spend her first month up to 4 months in the NICU. Here are a few...
  3. U

    Big Deer, Big Wish for Little Girl

    At an early age Jessica was tragically diagnosed with a non-treatable disease. She already had a passion for the outdoors, and she began watching a lot of hunting shows. She explained to me that she loves hunting and that her dream was to get a bigger whitetail deer than her dad! The American...
  4. M

    Mean girl!!

    Ok, I am really getting frustrated!! My oldest doe, Faline, as some of you already know :) is a BULLY!! She is wonderful to me but NOT to my youngest doe. Does anyone have any suggestions????!!! Nina has 3 really bad bites - broken skin/skin gone :( She has been hoofed and just.....beaten...
  5. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Doe fawn with torn girl junk !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a yearling doe that had a large single fawn last saturday.she appears to be fine except she tore really bad during birth.she seems to be having trouble peeing i ran her thru the handling facility on wed. and gave her wormer,tetradure,3cc banimine,Ehd vac. still a little swollen and flies...