New to all this just looking for some advice. In Texas, just curious as to what you give your deer when you dart them? Meaning since you have them down and hands on, what meds do you give them, like wormer, antibiotic, ect...? Thanks
(0,0,0);;small; 18pxWe are a recently formed 501(c)/508(e) private foundation made up of a group of deer farmers. Our officers are Travis Rhodes(President and CEO) Denny Eubanks (vice-president)
(0,0,0);;small; 18px Ezra Lane (secretary) and Wanda Smith (Treasurer). We are a 100% non-profit...
Make sure to thank God for your healthy deer. I would have loved to have given away the ones on which I have spent thousands back in August instead of burying them this month from EHD. This virus certainly changes ones perspective. I am thankful for what we have left! I don't know how many that...
Hey guys, this is Clay's wife, We are working on getting a business Facebook page up and going. If you have Facebook and would like to follow all the updates on the farm, click the link and give it a "like"
Not sure how to a few ppl on here have spelled it differently, but as mentioned in previous posts, I set up a new relationship with a different vet today, but they say that it is illegal to give me rompun or ketamine. What this basically means is that I have to pay hundreds of...
Hi everyone. I put my fawns in the big pen a few weeks ago and was just wondering when and what I should put in food to deworm them?? Also, my big deer were dewormed with ivomec on their necks before they came to my farm this spring. I've noticed today that my one buck fawn has diarrhea on the...
Team would like to congratulate the winners of our Give Aways from the NADeFA National Conference. And the winners are:
John Oldham of Lost Creek Ranch - $1000 credit from to be used towards commission and auction listing fees.
Colby Jent of Clearview...
We are looking at possibly drawing semen out of our buck. We would like some feed back if there might be a interest out there on semen straws out of him. :D
I will attach pedigree & pictures.
I'm fixing to dart some Axis in my Ranch to relocate them, I used Succostrin one time a long time ago....I forgot how much to give them, and do you reverse them?? They are like 160lbs each I would say....