
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. W

    Whitetails of Louisiana 2015 Convention - oh yeah - we are giving away a DEER FARM!

    (40,40,40); We are preparing for our 2015 Whitetails of Louisiana annual convention. This year our convention will be August 8th at the Lafayette Cajun Dome Exhibit Hall A.   (40,40,40); Please plan on attending our convention. Bring a potential deer farmer with you. There will be a couple...
  2. Martin's Deer Products

    Giving away a pair of 10x42 Binos

    Streamline Products, Inc. is giving away a 10x42 pair of Binos that we have been selling. Easy to enter, all you have to do is go to our Streamline Products, Inc. Facebook page, like us, share us and comment on us and you are entered. We are looking to hit 3000 likes and then a winner will be...
  3. D

    What is everyone giving there Fawns??

    Hi, I am wondering what the best or what has worked the best for you as far as Fawn Pastes or gels you give the fawns at birth-first few days?? I have heard a lot about these pastes but its all been from the company, not actual deer farmers. Is there a difference beteween these? ive seen...
  4. R

    Giving Shots

    Hi, hope this is the right place and that everyone is doing good. On giving shots, especially Sub-Q. How can I ask without sounding stupid! Lol How do you do that? Whith out knocking them down. If my babies see a sryng, hang it up Tonto. Thank you
  5. redwood_river_whitetails

    Very sick doe after giving birth.....

    One of my very favorite does, Lucy is extremely sick after giving birth. Randy said she looked sick the day before she had the fawns and the day she had the fawns, I could see she wasn't caring for them and took them to bottle feed right away. They are doing very good....but Lucy is not. She...
  6. J

    Question about a 2 year old doe after giving birth

    My 2 year old doe just had fawns yesterday about 10am. These were her first fawns. A doe that was 5.2 pounds and a Buck who was 8.6 pounds. I noticed that her vulva is very swollen and seems to have some tears in the skin. We are new to deer farming, and we have only had 5 or so does give...
  7. T

    when do you start giving fawns pellet food ?

    when do you start giving fawns pellet food ?
  8. T

    Mothers Giving Birth

    I was just seeing if I could get a few opinions on what the latest dates are that you would move pregnant does to a new pen. I know you want as minimal amount of stress as possible on your mothers so how many weeks or months prior do they need to be in the pen that you are wanting them to give...
  9. M

    Doe Sick 4 Days after giving birth!

    Hey guys I need some help. I have a Max/Flip 3/4 sister that came off of Waldvogels Farm and had a 280" 2yr old on the ground last year. She gave birth to a buck fawn 9 days ago and then she started to go down hill the fourth day after she had him. I have pulled him and started to bottle feed...