
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. W

    Weaning time

    I have 3 does that have been bottle fed. They are now about 12 weeks old and getting 12 oz of milk 2 times a day. They get to be outside in the yard to graze most of the day and a bowl of fruits (strawberry’s bananas okra blueberries blackberries you name it lol) I also give them some “goat...
  2. D

    Tracks in grass?

    Good Day. We live on the edge of town and we see white tail in the "pasture" behind our property. Sometimes they just pass thru other times they stop and eat (probably clover) and we dump our apple bits out back by the mineral block. Only really see them between 11pm and 4am, and on rare...
  3. J

    Grass seed

    Getting ready to plant my new deer pen. What do you all recommend planting. I was just going to get some kind of pasture mix.
  4. M

    Spraying a grass killer in clover plots in pens

    Has anyone ever used Poast or Poast plus to kill grass in their clover plots in the pens?  I would like to spray in my buck pens but not sure if the chemicals are safe to use while the bucks are still in the pens or if there is a better chemical to use   Matt Missouri Whitetails 660-341-0554
  5. D

    SUDAN grass thoughts

    HI everyone - first post...  love the forum.  I've owned a deer ranch for a few years now in Southeast Louisiana.  Don't have that many deer (20).  lost over half of our fawns to EHD last yr.   i was wondering if anyone else has tried planting Sudan grass to help with EHD...  it makes sense...
  6. H

    2-3 week old fawn bloating on a few mouthfuls of grass??

    Here's the short version of my question. Any advice for a 2 1/2 week old fawn who seems to bloat on TINY amounts of grass? I'm writing all the specifics of my situation below if anyone needs more info to answer. I sincerely appreciate your time. I have a rescue Sitka blacktail doe who...
  7. M

    Killing grass in pens

    Last year we planted to much grass and it shut out the clover and other good stuff from growing. It was just a pasture grass, but it came up very thick. So, I thought about spraying the grass when it comes up. But I don't know if it will harm the deer if they eat it. Especially, the bred does...
  8. C

    Pasture grass

    I'm getting ready to build 2 more pens this spring, just wanted to get some peoples thoughts on what they believe i should plant as far pasture grass.
  9. F

    sowing grass

    We are in the process of designing our first pen for a few does. We are working the ground down and gonna put in grass mixture. What is the best mixture that will take heat but grow well but the deer will eat as well. We are from central ohio. Jeremy
  10. H

    cutting grass in pen

    wanting to plant our pens this week and alot of the trends say cut the pens is this ok on 100 x 200; penns dont want any wall bangers going with maybe crabgrass and clover thanks Ed