
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Brush Creek Monsters

    Dart Guns

    I haven’t seen any threads up to date on this conversation, which is the easiest, most accurate? Wasn’t sure if their is anything new out there or a better version before buying one.
  2. Martin's Deer Products

    Dart Guns for Rent

    Streamline Products, Inc. has X-Cal projectors for sale and we are even using one as a rental for those who's projector has broken down and they need one ASAP. The cost is $75.00 per day starting on the day of delivery and ending on the day of pick-up. (if projector arrives on Monday morning and...
  3. H

    Guns and Democrats

    · In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. · In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States, who later died from the wound. · In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of...
  4. Select Whitetails

    Big Guns Up,Cut and Scored

    We just cut and scored "Big Guns Up" he scored 261 1/8th @1yr old and was 18 1/2 IS. Left Beam was 22 6/8ths Right was 23" with the ends of both beams broomed. We will be drawing him on Oct 8th. If interested in semen give me a call. 217-440-9643 Thanks Randy
  5. J

    dart guns?

    So it sounds like I need a dart for giving meds. Is there a brand, model that you have found that works the best for your money? Im not looking for the cheapest but im not looking at spending alot. Is there a good place to order meds online or just a local farm store?
  6. H

    AI guns

    what Ai gun doe you all use we are wanting to try a new gun thanks ED