
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. R

    Deer head bump & eating problem

    Over the last few months I've noticed this deer having problems chewing the small horse treats I throw to her. Instead of just picking them up and munching she usually tries to crunch them up on the ground and when she does pick one up she seems to writhe her head around a bit which seems like...
  2. H

    Help doe has her head tilted funny and is stumbling

    Our 1 half year old mule deer has her head tilted funny like she has a crooked neck and keeps stumbling. Her one eye looks like it's almost bulging! Is there anything we can do for her.
  3. M

    Deer Fawn walking with head tilted

    I have a deer Fawn that has his head tilted when he walks. It has been about 4 weeks and now his one eye looks like he might be blind now ... At first he was having a hard time keeping head up . Has anyone seen this ?
  4. V

    Doe fawn with soars on head

    We've got a doe fawn born late July and today we noticed some sores on the left side of her head. I've reached out to a couple of other farmers and so far no one has seen anything like it. We've also sent a pic to our vet and are waiting to hear back from him. If anyone has any ideas we would...
  5. P

    Where is deer farming legal? Named the state on top of your head

    So i would really like to know whuch states allow at least the possession of some kind of cervid, with a license or no. Anyone?
  6. A

    Guess the head chopping begins, First case of CWD in Arkansas

    Been waiting for this one. Hate to say it ,but glad it's here,LOL     http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2016/feb/24/agfc-buffalo-river-elk-had-chronic-wast/  
  7. Jack

    Fawn chews on wire and presses head to corner

    Well even old guys can have something new happen when raising fawns.  Started today with weakness.  Think it had too much sun as it didn't come out of the sun and go to the barn.  Went from weakness to flat on the ground in shed.  Bottle fed a little.  Now it is up but pushes it's head to the...
  8. Bell

    Head injury from fighting

    My buddy has a buck with swelling on its brain from fighting. It is temporarily blinded by the swelling. What are his treatment options? Edit-got the answer thanks-Dex and penicillin daily
  9. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Head Gear's product "Peace Maker"

    Has anyone used this product? It is supposed to "deliver a positive impact on Buck behavior" ?   Is this a New product or has it been around awhile ? Has anyone used it ?   Thanks  
  10. S

    Head Trauma Blindness in Fawn

    Rehabber in Florida, just got in a 19lb 2oz buck that is slightly lethargic, head down and appears to be blind.   Pupils dilate so optic nerve is intact.  Found on side of highway, but the cuts and scapes are several days old and scabbed over so if he was hit it was 3 or four days ago.  Good...
  11. T

    UPDATE- New CWD Federal Standards Version 23 to Head to Public Comment

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room 12-4-2013   UPDATE- New CWD Federal Standards Version 23 to Head to Public Comment ACA Plans to Highlight Changes and Organize Comment Effort AYR,NE- The CWD Standards Working Group convened Wednesday, December 4, at the request of USDA’s...
  12. T

    Fawn head injury

    Had a fawn injure her head on something. Wound is above left eye and down to the skull. She is acting fine and it's not infected but the skin around wound is dry and almost peeling off the skull. Is there any type of glue or protectant I can put on it? I'm afraid to make it worse. Initial damage...
  13. C

    In over my head ?

    I found a baby deer that was nothing but a bag of skin and bones. I have been bottle feeding him for a week and have him on antibotics. He now has reached about 7 lbs and seems to be doing much better. I am now left with the question, what do I do with him? He has bonded with people and is...
  14. R

    Head trauma

    Hi everyone, if i can some opinionions please. I have a baby that is about a month old. She hit her head really hard! A vet has seen her and has hope. She is aware of things but can not stand. I hold her up as much as i can. She is eating a half of a bottle to which i offer many times a day...
  15. P

    Tilted head

    deer has head tilted with one ear down and looks a big chew of tobacco on that side
  16. R

    fawn hitting head off of wall?

    i have a fawn that quit coming to her bottle yesterday and was very lathargic when i checked her her tag was infected so we cut it out and gave her 2 cc penacillin but still no change so we brought her in and gave her banamine and tetradore and about 20 minutes later she stood up and started...
  17. C

    Both Antlers torn from head

    Last November we had a smaller buck get trashed by a much larger buck, both antlers were ripped from his skull, I let him heal through the winter just to see what would happen but I thought he would make the trip to the freezer in a month or so. Suprisingly he has regrown full but odd bases, now...