
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    For Sale Certified Deer Herd plus fencing/posts/gates/waterer in Pennsylvania

    For Sale: I have about 2 acres of 8 foot fence/posts (still up) with 6 large gates, Ritchie waterer and 6 deer soon to be 10. 3 -1 year old buck 1 -2 year old buck 2 young doe (each gave me 2 buck fawns this past year) email me if interested in starting a herd or adding to yours. All my...
  2. W

    Herd recording

    Can anyone point me to a free excel speadsheet or similar that helps with recording stock information. I have a farm full of Bucks, Does and new fawns that i need to record the individual info for. Thanks :)
  3. Wicked Whitetails

    For Sale Whole Herd

    I am selling my entire herd. First up is my three year old breeder. He damaged his one side early or he would have been a big typical again like he has been. He is a direct Grizzly son. He scored 238" last night when I had him down. $3,000. A 120"s yearling I have in a pen with a few doe...
  4. SouthernEmpireWhitetails

    For Sale Alabama deer Herd

    Southern Empire Whitetails, Alabama CWD Monitored herd up for discussion. Pedigrees include Rolex, High Roller, Triple Crown, Maxbo, Cowboy, Spyder, Stranger , Grand Opening, Bama energizer..etc . Fawns available as well, conventional semen "grand Opening" all for one money or individual sales...
  5. R

    For Sale Deer herd and all equipment for sale

    Selling all deer and equipment located in northeast tx.about 130 miles east of dallas,tx 4 breeder bucks 46 breeder does, ages 2- 8 yrs.of age 24 yearling bucks 24 buck fawns 15 doe fawns genetics from HWH whitetails includes, Scarface, Showtime, Cardiac Kid, Bambi Longhorn, Bambi Doubledrop...
  6. Padencreek

    Whole Herd Sale in NW PA

    I have built this herd for 8 years and if someone were to buy it, they could actually make a yearly profit the first year, something hard to do in this business. Rather than list everything, please go to my FB link and look at the first post with pictures. I have everything from a breeder, 8...
  7. J

    For Sale T.A.W. Herd Reduction Sale

    Take Aim Whitetails herd reduction sale. These doe will be sold individual or package deals are available. Call Jimmy Hall for details 417-312-7386 Located in S.W. MO. 11yrs CWD, next TB & Brucellosis test date is 2/14/20 W-178.... 1/2 sister to Sundowner from his mother W-281.... Grand Canyon...
  8. H

    Looking for some facts

    Hello Cervid farmers, I am interested in getting into the whitetail industry. I am not looking to start off large and by no means make a living, yet. I want to start with a small herd. -- I have come here to get educated. I have spent quite some time researching the whitetail industry...
  9. D

    Dakota Whitetails' herd reduction sale

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales auction: check out dvauction.com Feb 24 and 25 for Dakota Whitetails herd reduction including some of my best does! Sun Dragons full sister, Sunstroke's full sister, Free Agent power doe and more Jim Moses 770-329-4768 Does are located in Ohio Most does are LAI'd...
  10. Freedom Whitetails

    For Sale Herd Liquidation Part 1 Open or Bred Doe

    HERES WHATS LEFT Black ice/Climax/Powerball Gladiator Extreme/Bambi Escalade Call or text 814-312-7833 can go to pa or Wisconsin or West Virginia
  11. S

    Deer Herd For Sale

    Due to family and Work commitments we have decided to sell our deer herd of about 60 deer. With all the bred does you would be buying potentially 100 deer. We are motivated to sell for a quick reasonable offer. Any interest please get in touch with me. Stevie Stoltzfus Jr Expression...
  12. S

    Deer herd for sale

    Due to family and work commitments we are putting are deer herd of 60 deer up for sale. With all the bred does you are potentially buying around 100 deer. Any interest please call 717 629 2277 or email:: [email protected] We are fully certified dating back to 2002. We will sell at...
  13. S

    Deer herd for sale

    Due to family and work commitments we are putting are deer herd of 60 deer up for sale. With all the bred does you are potentially buying around 100 deer. Any interest please call 717 629 2277 Or email:: [email protected] We are fully certified dating back to 2002. We will sell at...
  14. 400CLUB

    Looking for someone to haul a deer herd from IL to KS

    Mason City, IL to Mapleton, KS.  13 antlered bucks, 9 adult does, 1 doe fawn, and 4 button bucks.  Antlered bucks need to be darted so need someone that knows what they are doing and have a dart gun.  The does, and fawns can be live loaded.  Please PM me if you can help out or email...
  15. G

    New CWD cases found in Iowa in wild herd.

    (20,25,35);;12pxThey have found 2 positives out of 150 samples with 150 yet to test. There was also one found last year in this zone. That is almost twice the infection rate of the Brakke preserve, yet there is a bill in the Iowa legislature, right now, that wants the DNR to take Brakkes...
  16. G

    Comment in Iowa paper about herd indemnification

    Pleas feel free to comment in the comment section to this idiot. _______________________________________________________________________________________________   ;'...
  17. K

    Selling off herd- Oklahoma

    We have decided to sell off our herd where we can have more time to spend with family/church and hunting and fishing. We have the following deer left for sale and we also have a few stocker bucks and a couple bucks that would make awesome breeders. We have a 220+ 2 yo Rolax/Laredo/Little...
  18. T

    Minnesota Red Deer Herd Depopulated; No New CWD Positives Found

    18pxMinnesota Red Deer Herd Depopulated No New CWD Positives Found American Cervid Alliance Newsroom September 12, 2014 In August 2014, the Minnesota red deer herd known as North Oaks Farm LLC was depopulated after the discovery of a CWD positive red deer hind more than two years ago. This...
  19. Freedom Whitetails

    looking for a certified herd in pa who ai's

    Contact me if this fits you. You can text me or email 814-312-7833 [email protected]
  20. R

    State of Iowa Stands in Way of Depopulation of CWD Positive Herd

    It is official, today the State of Iowa sent their refusal to sign the depopulation of our herd and allow us to receive indemnity from the USDA.  Unless, we drop all litigation and agree to a five year quarantine on our hunting preserve, they will not sign the herd plan.   Proof positive...