
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Red hind calving?...

    As you may tell I'm from the uk so bear with me, I have a hind that is quite restless she will kick her back leg out and move from one part of the paddock to the other lying down and getting up again then lying down etc etc I can see her teets when stood right behind her it's the time for...
  2. W

    Doe with sore on hind quarter

    Have a 2 year old doe that I thought had hit the fence and had a fence rash aprox. 3" square three weeks ago but seems to be getting bigger and bigger I have been dressing with wound dressing but not helping. She also seems to be constantly licking it which seems to also aggravate wound. What...
  3. C

    Does stiff legged in hind end & walking flat footed

    2 Doe showed early EHD signs this summer, administered Dex & Excede,both pulled through. A week following, noticed 1 of the 2 doe seemed to be having difficulty carrying her back end with very little mobile coordination. To add when she walked her joints sound as if they were popping. IF I...
  4. S

    4 year old buck has lost use of hind end!

    Today when I fed I noticed one of my 4 year olds laying too close to where I had just driven by without him gettin up. Walked over to him and he struggled to his feet but was SIGNIFICANTLY impaired in his hind quarters. He only went 10 yards and went down again. He didn't drag himself, and...
  5. T

    doe licking pee off her hind legs

    why do deer lick pee of there rear hind legs ? anybody know why they do this ? thanks to the replys