
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Take home the GOLD by growing the largest TYPICAL yearling!

    24px 'times new roman', times, serifAnthony Whitetail Ranch is having a contest for growing the largest TYPICAL PA Gold 2017 yearling! GRAND PRIZE IS $15,000 CASH! 24px 'times new roman', times, serifAdditional payouts will go to the 2nd & 3rd largest typicals! Overall largest yearling will...
  2. Russell

    Banner ad available on Deerfarmer home page

    We have a banner ad space available on the home page of Deerfarmer.org. Since we limit the number of banner ads, these spaces come up only once every few years. The cost is only $45 / month with a 15% discount if you book for a year. The home page gets about 5,000 unique visitors each month and...
  3. AnthonyWR

    Hard Rock new home

    We are happy to welcome Hard Rock to our farm. We should have 2-3 bucks in the 400 range this year and many over the 300 mark. Attached is a pic of Hard Rock in July. Cassie and I are headed to Costa Rica for our wedding so ill talk to yall in a couple weeks.
  4. J

    Anyone near Mountain Home Texas?

    I am heading down to MO on Monday next week, then from there I am headed to Mountain Home, TX. I wanted to see if anyone needed some hogs exterminated! I am open to hunting some exotics too. I could trade semen or AI service for next year. Please let me know if your interested. Thanks...
  5. D

    Show Me Whitetails - New Home of MONEYMAKER!!

    I would like to thank David Cooper and Russ Walk Jr for selling me this incredible animal. Moneymaker is getting us back to what we have always wanted at Show Me Whitetails - HUGE Mainframes! Moneymaker is an absolutely beautiful 2 year old 7x7 and approximately 27 inch inside spread son of...
  6. S

    To close to home!!!

    I'm sure most of you have heard about the school shooting in Chardon Ohio. I graduated from Chardon in 2001. I have a cousin and family friends that were there today. You never think it could happen in your town or school. Ill tell you when I does happen the not knowing is the worst. Thank god...
  7. T

    home made fawn cradle

    FYI,, i pulled my first fawns ever sunday morning,, after struggling to hold them while trying to start them on a bottle, monday morning i took and old collapsible chair, cut leg hole splits in the seat. viola! fawn is held secure and starting on the bottle is a whole lot easier, cost was about...
  8. M

    TM has a new Home

    Congrats and a BIG Thank You to Gary Olson of Minnesota who bought TM at the All-American sale from us. He was Absolutely One Enormously large framed deer! He taped out at 4 years old, 315 inches. 30 inches inside spread, 32 inch main beams, 86 inches of brow tines. Contact Gary for...
  9. Antlershed

    Must SEE, amazing home made hunting video

    This is the coolest hunting video I have ever seen, man can these boys shoot!! filmed here in PA a couple weeks ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx_fN2-o-Gw
  10. T

    Home and Ranch Insurance

    Can anyone make a recommendation for a home and ranch policy? I've used a local guy for the last several years and I'm currently signed up with Republic.