
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. ToddM

    Wednesday Night No Reserve --- IMPORTANT UPDATE

    Wednesday Night No Reserve --- IMPORTANT UPDATE   Due to a network outage at various data centers, the Wednesday No Reserve auction will be postponed tonight and all items will be carried over to next week's Wednesday Night No Reserve (April 23rd, 2014).   Whitetail Exchange's Web Servers...
  2. ToddM

    How important are GOOD Pictures

    We all know that it is important to take good pictures when we are promoting a deer and trying to sell semen. Does it go further than that? What about the next year and the year after that if they are still alive? Do we owe it to the people who buy semen and get offspring to make pictures...
  3. IndependenceRanch

    Important please help with this effort.

    I copied and pasted this from an email I got. Please read and take the time to help. Thank you! In the last year there have been 3 bills introduced into congress to cover more Veterans with Agent Orange related illness. All 3 bills are stuck in committee. If you as Veterans and families of...
  4. IndependenceRanch

    Important! Everyone please read!

    I have shared a lot on this forum about what I know with deer, and I have shared a lot about myself. I have talked about my best Bud Dale. Dale Kremsreiter was my cousin, my best Bud, and he is the reason I raise deer. He was a great guy who would listen and help anyone. For many years he had...