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  1. S

    doe with uterine infection

    I have a 12 year old doe who has had a persistent uterine infection since her first week of fawning in early July 2021. She originally had thick whitish discharge and was treated with two courses of 7 day tetracycline within the first 2 months after fawning. She had one live fawn and another...
  2. C

    Bone infection

    Hi everyone....I need your help...I am a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in the state of Florida...I have a fawn with a broken femur due to a dog bite also has osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) vets pinned the leg and started him on Sulfatrim...Sulfatrim not working switched him to...
  3. C

    Infection inside lower jaw

    Need help diagnosing a problem a couple of my friends are having, fawns dying from there lower jaw being infected and swollen, I'm thinking some kind of bacteria ( could it be Fuso ? ) What can we do to stop this?
  4. R

    doe with infection

    I have a doe that must have got an infection from dartig her. All res around darted area and some puss. Was wondering what i can give her we will be AIing in a week. Was gonna give la200 but wonder your opinion. Thanks
  5. W

    foot infection

    Would really appreciate some input from fellow farmers. Will be putting down 2 yr. old buck with what appears to be cut on top of foot between middle of hoof, some swelling and limping. Can I give nuflor and draxin in combination. Thinking that could lead to foot rot that is why I thought...
  6. W

    Is this Possibly Antler Infection

    Has anyone seen this before? I have 3 year old with some kind of blood scab growth or damage to his antler. Don't know if its infected or just a small hole in the velvet that seeped out some blood and its just collected to the velvet and the fly's seem to be attracted to it. What do you think...
  7. G

    Ear Infection in Fawns

    I have lost 3 fawns in the last week and a half. I have never had this problem before in the last 8 years of raising deer. The problem seems to be heat related and the ear tags getting infected. When we tag our fawns we always put Neosporin topical ointment on the spike of the tag and tag closer...
  8. S

    Antler infection

    What is proper procedure to clear up an antler infection? From start to finish with follow up procedure. 7 year old with hole in main beam with thick puss draining. Thanks
  9. K

    Joint Infection above hoof

    I was wondering if anyone has ever used Iodine to treat a joint infection in a deer. I have a young doe that got an infection in the joint right above the hoof. We had the vet treat it once and then we have lanced it 2 other times and have been using penicillin to flush it out. We have been...
  10. ohdeer

    Velvet antler infection prevention

    Does anyone have any strategies for prevention of antler infection during the late growth stages? Any ideas for helping those big bucks shed their own velvet without intervention...
  11. W

    eye infection in doe

    I have a doe with an eye that is red and leaking a little pus,other than cleaning what can i do?
  12. D

    Nursing doe w/ infection under ear

    I've got a nursing doe who has a large lump under her ear the size of a softball. I felt it tonight and it's hot to the touch. We darted her with 2 cc of LA 200. I didn't want to hit her with our large 3cc darts because she's so tiny....only 120 lbs. max. What to do? I have penecillin, Nuflor...
  13. S

    Another Antler infection - Draxxin or Excenel? Or Both?

    I have another year old buck with an obvious antler infection - some pus oozing out of the tip of G2. Going down to pen soon and knock him down to take off antler and my question is: Am I safe to give him both the Draxxin and Excenel at the same time? And if not - which will be more effective...
  14. T

    infection in bottom teeth

    :confused: Has anyone had issues with their fawns having an infection in their bottom teeth and the teeth fall out?? We have had 5 so far this year, and only on the mother raised. I have treated with Nuflor and it has helped, but I have lost 2 and they had the infection as well. Also...
  15. J

    Eye infection?

    I wanted to see others thoughts on a buck fawn I have that has something going on with his eye. I think it's got an infection, not sure what from. Seems to be running and also has some "gunk" in the front corner. Might be from all the freakin mud weve had due to this wet spring. Thinking about...
  16. F

    Internal infection

    AI'd today and 3 of my does were red inside with some infection coming out when we pulled tube out..... anyone else run into this?? and what was your sucess rate with the AI??? im hoping i didnt throw a bunch of money away today....
  17. K

    Antler Infection What i should do?

    Hi we have a yearling buck that has a antler infection. We have cut his antlers off. We need to know what all we can give him that will help get him through this. he had a 104 temp. last night. we did this yesterday. if anyone can help and knows what to do. please call 405-990-0222. Ask for...
  18. P

    1 yr. doe seems to have ear infection

    I'm new at raising deer my year old doe is holding her ear down and is shaking her head when I touch it. Cleaned some dry wax out of it. Can anyone help me?
  19. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Antler Infection ? What to do?

    I have a 2 yr old buck that had a little green gunk when he shed his caps back in late March. He has been growing great but on tuesday we noticed a green bubble in the webbing were he is splitting his brows and his main beam. could this be antler infection left over from were he shed caps? He...
  20. F

    Antler Infection Tool Box - Missing Anything?

    Hey Guys I am making up a antler infection tool box for myself and maybe some others. Listed below are some of the items I think are necessary. Am I missing anything? Deer mask Dissection Kit – scalpel, scissors, Extra blades, etc Latex Gloves Cloth sheet Cattle Dehorner - Cordless...