
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Dogwood Whitetails

    Artificial Insemination

    Good Morning Folks! I'm sure this has been discussed before but wanted to know everyone's stance on yearling does (First Time Breeding) being a part of your AI program. Was told yearlings don't have as good of conception rate and they should be live bred to get a year under there belt. What...
  2. B

    Artificial insemination

    How confident can I be in a successful pregnancy by doing artificial insemination from one straw that I buy?
  3. C

    artificial insemination?

    I'm based in Ireland and wondering who I would be able to purchase ai straws off of? I'm also new to the procedure, how is it done? how many does can I inseminate with one straw and how much does the average ai straw cost?
  4. Rick

    Artificial Insemination / AI

    Would be interested to know what evryones thoughts are on Semen Sales/ Artificial Insemination and the effect it has had on the whitetail deer industry or your farm. If you comment can you please show a positive comment first followed by a negative (if you have one) comment as to the effect...
  5. Rick

    Artificial Insemination / AI

    Would be interested to know what evryones thoughts are on Semen Sales/ Artificial Insemination and the effect it has had on the whitetail deer industry or your farm. If you comment can you please show a positive comment first followed by a negative (if you have one) comment as to the effect...
  6. IndependenceRanch

    Basics of artificial insemination

    This article was written by my wife Laurie and I several years ago in an effort to share what we knew about A/I because at the time few were willing to share the information. It wasn't and still isn't meant to be a perfect explanation of the process. Most of what you will read is nothing new...
  7. Russell

    Artificial Insemination for Deer Videos

    Here are the videos Roger made as an introduction to artificial insemination for deer. The videos are on YouTube at: Video 1: Video 2: (being edited) Video 3: