
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Tagging issue

    Hello, stumbled across this forum while trying to figure out how to stop a buck from tearing tags out of fawns ears. Anybody have any suggestions? I have three beautiful white fawns and immediately after tagging one of them the buck tore the tag right out. Trying to figure out how to stop...
  2. Deep Rooted Whitetails

    Fawn leg issue

    Tried looking back in past posts but couldn't find anything 3 month old fawn started limping on front left leg Friday afternoon. When run would put no pressure on it. Did not see any swelling or lacerations. Gave it some banamine in the hopes that maybe she twisted it. Saturday seemed a little...
  3. L

    issue with Bam last fall

    last fall  I responded to a post about a problem with BAM and there were several others with same issue.  thought it was on deerfarmer site but cant seem to find it.  does anyone remember where that was??
  4. S

    Doe With A Possible Issue

    Hi everyone!  Hope All Of You Have A Wonderful Holiday Season!!   Got a question about one of my does.  I noticed yesterday when she walks or runs, her belly makes a swishing noise or gargling noise.  I am not sure what this could be, but would like some possible answers and remedies if any...
  5. J

    Doe jaw issue?

    I just noticed I have a doe that doesn't seem to be able to open her mouth to eat.  She has no noticeable swelling in the jaw/head area or any other injuries I can see.  She is salivating a little but I think that is due to not opening her mouth and breathing thru a pretty much closed mouth. ...
  6. E

    Help!! We tran'q buck for antler issue now he has 1 droopy ear???

    we r very new to deer farming, we only have one buck, we had to put him down and clean up an antler that he damaged. He started rubbing, then just stopped, he broke a kicker that was flopping for the last few when we seen flies bothering him and fly eggs...we decided to take him...
  7. C

    Yearling Buck Lower Leg Issue

    Yesterday I noticed this buck fawn walking on 3 legs. He puts very little weight on this leg if at all. It does have some light/moderate swelling. He was fine the day before..I gave him Banamine, anything else he should have and......Any ideas on what is causing this?
  8. Antlershed

    Looking for help with antler issue

    With fawning season underway here at my farm I have been loving life, this is no doubt the best time of the year. I am loving deer farming right now, but unfortunately i was hit with some of the bad of raising deer. This morning I was doing a pen check on the yearlings and I seen one of my tame...
  9. J

    The QDMA Issue

    We all know the QDMA has taken its stand regarding our industry. They can try to qualify it all they want, but we know what it means. I encourage all preserve owners/managers to make your clients aware that the QDMA is aiming to take away their freedom to hunt at your ranches! Be informed, and...
  10. T

    Advice on Hoof issue

    One of my deer cut her hoof a couple weeks ago. Just took about a 3" patch of hide off, not a deep cut at all. It seemed to being okay for a while, but in the last couple days it seems to have swollen quite a bit, and she doesnt want to walk on it much at all. She mostly lays down. She will eat...
  11. IndependenceRanch

    An American issue

    This is not a New York issue but an American issue that everyone should care about. I sent an email around to many with the link to this and I hope everyone took the 6 minutes to watch it and then forward it to people they know. As someone who travels all over the world for work I can tell you...
  12. M

    Has any deer farmer ever taken the CWD issue to Court!

    Here are some thoughts to consider: 1. Deer farmers are 5+ yrs CWD monitored to move deer as well as TB/Bruc and make sure they have all of their paper work in place before even thinking about moving an animal. In Missouri our Conservation Dept. sells in excess of 500,000 deer hunting permits...