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  1. SJames

    Why are people ignoring Dr. Deer (Dr. James Kroll)?

    I grew up always listening to what "Dr. Deer" had to say about Whitetail Deer management.   I am amazed that our industry doesn't lean on this white paper that was published last December by Dr. James Kroll. Here is the link: Its a GREAT read! Pay special attention to the section on a live...
  2. B

    King James Semen

    I was wondering if anyone has used King James in their breeding program? I was wondering what for buck you have out if him? Thanks a lot!
  3. D

    Tim James for Governor In Alabama

    Consider donating to Tim James governor campaign in Alabama, he is taking a stand against Illegals and defending English as the official Language. His new commercial has been seen 300,000 times on youtube and he is getting attacked by the liberal left. Go to the website below and let me knwo...