
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    Keeping Stocker Buck Wild

    As I'm new and wanting to get into raising a few deer, my question is how do you keep your "stocker" buck wild and not becoming tame in a small operation, of only a few acres. thank you
  2. D

    Price for keeping my deer at your farm??

    I am needing some prices of what you guys would charge to keep my deer at your farm? I'm talking about 35 to 60 deer. I'm looking for a price per day per deer. These are deer that I own and did not buy from you. If I were to call you tomorrow and you had the room what would the price per day...
  3. clay

    How much would you charge for keeping deer on your farm?

    I was curious if anyone out there keeps deer on there farm for other people and charges them? If so how much per day, per head and how much to feed fawns per day, per fawn?
  4. S

    Keeping Up With Deer & Wildlife Stories (Season 2)

    Hey folks, As many of you may already be aware, you can watch Keith Warren's Deer & Wildlife Stories 3 times a week on the Pursuit Channel. Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM, Fridays @ 6:00 PM and Sundays @ 12:00 AM. (Eastern Time) We also upload the episodes every week to our website...