
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    New kid on the block

    No issues at this time. Just wanted to introduce self. Retired - Farming for therapy and hopefully to aid in paying prop taxes. Red deer. Mainly meat and some stags going to hunt parks. 20 acres in paddock. 54 animals. Intent to expand. Maine. Veteran. 68 yrs old.
  2. B

    Rolex and blue mountain bill /cardiac kid

    I just received my doe fawn from a Rolex on blue mountain bill(x-factor pedigree) doe that was bred to cardiac kid. Does anyone have these lines or close to it with pictures of what they have gotten from that combo? Just curious to see if anyone has crossed those lines and gotten from a doe or...
  3. Gehringer Deer Ranch

    Cadillac Kid

    Anyone know who purchased Cadillac Kid at one of the recent auctions?
  4. SJames

    Cadillac Kid Scored

      We scored and Cut Cadillac Kid last Monday. He was 31 4/8 Inside and 333 2/8 Gross on an 8X8 frame. He is 3 years old and is Cardiac Kid over Shadow over Shock and Awes womb sister. We had 5 yearlings out of him this year. All of them were big mostly typical. 3 of the 5 were over 200. If you...
  5. I

    Damn loose dog and idiot kid

    Need to rant, Had to call the sherriff today. Some ignorant kid trespassed our neighbors property to hunt for mushrooms and turned his pitbull loose. So the dam dog ran the deer fence and one of our best does broke her neck hitting the fence, and some of our bucks growing antlers are messed up...
  6. Bruns Island Whitetails

    Magic Kid

    Does anyone know how Festus or Magic Kid did this year? Thanks
  7. L

    Cardiac Kid semen

    Looking for a straw of cardiac kid to use this fall. If you have one or know someone who does, please let me know.
  8. R

    Adm kid milk replacer

    Just wondering how you mix the replacer. The label calls for .25 lb. of replacer to 1.5 lbs. of water. This would be 6:1 ratio. This sounds to be to diluted to me. Anyone (APPLE CREEK)????????
  9. A

    Reading the Ol' Stud -vs- New Kid thread.

    Reading the Ol' Stud vs New Kid thread made me want to give everyone my thought process of how I made the decision on my starting foundation. I’m no expert by no means but I thought I would share this info with everyone. I love deer which bought me to wanting to become a deer farmer but...
  10. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Ol' Stud -vs- New Kid ?

    Was just wondering.........With the way Poncho and Bucky semen and offspring has been at the recent auctions.Would you be more or less inclined to breed with some of the old school bucks ? Like Thunder,Sunny etc. on new blood does ? Or would you continue to breed with the "Latest and Coulde be...
  11. H

    Win a Straw of Kid Rock or Yardstick! - High Roller Whitetails

    We are giving away 1 straw of Kid Rock and 1 straw of Yardstick. Click the image above or CLICK HERE to visit our website and complete the form to submit your guess of the official score of each buck. Rules: Each person may submit 1 entry for Kid Rock and 1 entry for Yardstick through the...
  12. IndependenceRanch

    Deer attacks kid in Ohio,204609
  13. 2

    ADM Kid milk replacer

    I asked this in the bottle fed fawn study , but figured a new thread would get more feedback. Has anyone used ADM's kid milk replacer for their fawns, and if so, were you happy with it or not? Thanks , Tom