
Deer Farmer Forum

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    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure

    Charity allows sick kids to experience outdoor adventure By: Randy Senior 11/11/2010 Email to a friendPrinter-friendly ELLWOOD CITY - For most families, a hunting or fishing trip with the children is all too easily taken for granted. Unfortunately, there are thousands of families who...
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    A dream hunt for 8 special kids in Sahara Woods

    October 22 through the 25th of 2009 will mark our 7th Annual IL Dream Hunt. We have eight special deer hunters that will be hitting the field early tomorrow morning. Brandy and Phil Peterson will be working with Jim McFarlane to make sure the event runs smoothly. John and Shenene Williamson...
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    Donors Create New Way of Fun for USSA Kids!

    Attached are pictures of USSA’s new playground and tree-fort built for our special kids. John A. Biewer Co. of Wisconsin Inc. provided the generous treated lumber donation. Walgreens helped greatly with a substantial financial donation for construction costs. Oakdale Electric Cooperative...