
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    Crows or Ravens killing newborn Fawns

    We are having a BIG problem with crows or ravens killing newborn fawns out in our pens. Each day we are finding 1-2 fawns that have their rear ends eaten and eyes pecked out. These were healthy fawns when tagged in the morning. At this point we have lost 14 fawns within the first 48 hours...
  2. D

    Interesting story about qdma Brian Murphy allegedly killing kittens.

    Folks I know that things can be spread on the net by people, but I looked into this and a lady supplied PETA with some info regarding a incident that happened a few years ago in Ky. I know PETA is not a friend to any of us hunters or outdoorsman but when it comes to a form of cruelty to animals...

    EHD - Still Killing

    I had not lost a deer for just over a week and was hoping that EHD was over for this year, but it's back on a roll in my neighborhood with deer dying again. Is anyone else still having deer die from EHD?

    Something is killing my bucks

    On September 15 something got into my yearling buck pen, caught a buck and ate a good portion of his backend. He was still alive when I found him the next morning. Three other bucks in the pen were unharmed and amazingly calm. I found a spot where I thought something could have crawled under...
  5. D

    Need help bad a doe is killing fawns

    Need help one of my does is killing other doe's fawns.I don't know wich doe it is she is only killing buck fawns.She has killed 3 fawns so far i cannot tell that any one is acting different there are 8 does in this field most with fawns.I have tried to seperate them some but it is hard to do...
  6. M

    Killing grass in pens

    Last year we planted to much grass and it shut out the clover and other good stuff from growing. It was just a pasture grass, but it came up very thick. So, I thought about spraying the grass when it comes up. But I don't know if it will harm the deer if they eat it. Especially, the bred does...
  7. L

    Safe Treatments for killing cockleburrs in pens

    We are having a sever cockleburr problem in our pens. What is safe to spray or treat with?:confused:
  8. SJames

    PETA is Killing Record Number of Animals

    :mad: I saw this today on USATODAY. Sam