
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    What are the rules on buying deer for bettering genetics

    I know this might be an obvious question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. Can someone buy deer from a Pennsylvania Farm just to better their genetics on their non high fenced hunting grounds? Or to buy deer do you need some kind of permit and need a high fence area?
  2. clay

    What are the laws in your State?

    Wondering how the laws differ from State to State. Some of the things I was wondering is listed below. If you could post how this things work in your state I would appreciate it. Is your State under DNR or Ag? What are the import/export laws in your state? Does your state allow hunting...
  3. B

    New Ohio Laws (Dept. of Ag Requirements)

    Hey folks...been a while since I last posted on here... We just received letters in the mail notifying us of our switch to the Dept. of Ag and we're trying to figure some stuff out...some of the new laws seem really difficult and my boss is considering selling off the entire herd depending on...
  4. M

    Indiana deer farming laws?

    Can anyone tell me where to get the info required to get a permit? I called down to the state and they told me jsut to talk to another farmer. I don't think they knew what they are talking about. I live in Middlebury, so if anyone close knows I could stop by your farm or meet somewhere else. Thanks
  5. B

    Kentucky Laws on deer preserve ??

    Hey guys I have a gentleman that is wanting to open a Ranch in Kentucky I can not remember the rules for Kentucky. Can you bring deer into that state and take deer out ?