
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. H

    Looking for some facts

    Hello Cervid farmers, I am interested in getting into the whitetail industry. I am not looking to start off large and by no means make a living, yet. I want to start with a small herd. -- I have come here to get educated. I have spent quite some time researching the whitetail industry...
  2. M

    Layout, design

    Can anyone help me with a pen layout and design. Im about to fence in 5 acres and would like everyones ideas and knowledge on how they would lay it out. I can email a picture of the property. Thanks
  3. M

    Farm layout, handling facility layout

    Its about time that I attempt to build a handling facility and start directing my pen layout to the future facility. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on pen layout/handling facility layout or any regrets on how you wish you would have done something. Pictures would be very...
  4. R&J Whitetails

    Pen layout

    how would this look for a set up?? not sure how many acres there is out here but I just threw this together. I would build 1 pen each year and we have to tare the barn down so all I have for a facility would be the little building on the back of the Quonset and I just looked at that and the roof...
  5. C

    Another Farm Layout (Input PLEASE)

    We are moving to a bigger space. This field has 2 small ponds and 2 big ponds. The big ones are off limit, the small ones are fed by spring coming off the hill and drains into the big ones. I sent a lay-out of the area we can use, plus an idea for pens I had. (Yellow squares represent...
  6. M

    Farm Layout Draft?????

    Well here's a small rough draft of our farm nothing is to scale or exact so keep that in mind also have possible room to expand on other side of alley the barn is going to be designed as the handling facilities. Well be gentle lol thanks to all.
  7. C

    M&M Deer Farms logo and layout

    M&M Deer Farms
  8. K

    Looking for a small farm handling facility layout

    Looking for a very simple and basic layout that would work for three pens and 30 deer. Manly concerned about the handeling part of the layout. Is there a simple design that would work? thanks
  9. A

    Breeding Facility layout

    was wondering if some of you experienced breeders could take a look at the layout I have drawn up before I send it to my engineers to finish the final drafting, details and specs. . Here is sample layout.