
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Letter to the Editor of Outdoor News Please Read and Share!

    Dan Kuhns of Woodside Whitetails has asked me to electronically pass this along as far a possible! If you have an email list send it! Tag people like and Share let's get these TRUTHS SPREAD AS FAR AS WE CAN! Post in forums just anywhere that it can be seen! This is a great read from the first...
  2. T

    Letter: States Must Do More to Fight Chronic Wasting Disease

    18pxLetter: States Must do More to Fight Chronic Wasting Disease   Posted Nov. 16, 2014 Daily Messenger Canandaigua, N.Y.     In response to the story “DEC's chronic wasting disease regulation prohibits hunters from bringing white-tailed deer, elk or moose into New York,â€� it is not...
  3. T

    LETTER: CWD being Mishandled at State Level

    18pxLETTER: CWD being Mishandled at State Level     The St. James Leader Journal October 23, 2014 Bill Cooper misinterprets a recent situation at an Iowa deer farm in order to mistakenly advocate for flawed regulations of deer farms in Missouri. The Iowa farm did have a number of...
  4. Show Me Racks

    A Letter from Johnny Morris, Owner of Bass Pro

    Here is a link to the letter Johnny wrote to the Missouri Legislation. I have lived near Springfield, MO my whole life and spent a lot of money with Bass Pro. After reading the letter, I have spent my last dollar with them. When I find someone unsupportive of my family, I refuse to support them...
  5. J

    Another letter to the editor in the St. Louis Post Dispatch

    Here's the link  http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/mailbag/letters-to-the-editor/containment-of-deer-diseases-in-missouri-has-been-a-cooperative/article_373c721e-2a49-5ca8-af3e-c1c9a32da871.html
  6. I

    The weather is a four letter word

    So here in southeastern Minnesota, we have gone from a drought to the wettest spring on record, the wettest May on record, and the snowyest May ever (more snow than the past 125 years combined). We haven't had the strong storms yet so we have to be thankfull for that but...... My deer pens are...
  7. A

    PETA's letter to TN Gov. Phil Bredesen

    PETA's letter to TN Gov. Phil Bredesen follows: October 5, 2010 The Honorable Phil Bredesen Governor of Tennessee Dear Governor Bredesen: Your urgent attention is respectfully requested. PETA headquarters has received numerous complaints from Tennessee residents who have been...