
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    How long is the shelf life of Telazol?

    Do you know how long the shelf life of Telazol is? It's the time or depends on how to take care of it?
  2. IndependenceRanch

    The After Life - LOL!

    I am pretty sure most are of the opinion I have about the deer industry. Crippled and dying although we hate to think about it. I pop on here occasionally out of curiosity and a force of habit I guess. I assume many others do also. There are a lot of really good people in the industry. Many...
  3. S

    Destron Fearing Life Chip Tags?

    Does anyone know where to order the Destron Fearing Life Chips?? I used to get em of the exchange but I don't see em anymore?? Some prices also?? Thanks,   Cody
  4. M

    never in my life........

    I hate to post back to back things but when it rains, you know the rest. Here goes; I came home this afternoon and found one of my doe fawns dead...... fine this morning. No signs of bloat. Stool was fine. She was born early but remained very small compared to all of the others. She displayed...
  5. Four Seasons Whitetails

    The life in time of a deer farmer.

    We ran into trouble this weekend. One of our three month old doe fawns ripped her mouth wide open. We don't know what happened, but we got her fixed up. Ended up with 8 stitches on the inside of her mouth and 8 more on the outside.
  6. D

    Let the bible light up your life!

    ren “Understanding your Word brings light to the minds of ordinary people.” (Psalm 119:130 CEV) Everyone needs light. You need physical light to make sure you can see the world around you, to avoid running into obstacles. Through his Word, God wants to provide light for your mind, too...
  7. S

    Memories for a life time

    Not knowing what to give my parents for Christmas, I decided to take them to the Oak Ridge Boys concert. As they love music, I thought this was the perfect gift. Wow, did I hit it on the head. As we sat through this 2 1/2 hour concert my parents were clapping, tapping there feet and moving to...
  8. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Outdoor life at it again!!!

    I recieved an email from outdoor life again today and they are back at deer farming and high fence hunting.This time they have a different spin on things but still taking a shot at us by saying we feed steroids and such.Wish i could put the link up but i have no idea how to do such a...
  9. alpha and omega whitetail

    New chapter in my life

    Well, I have not been feeling well for a few weeks now and in fact just recently gotten over pnemonia but still weak and coughing. Attended several auctions and just found myself not myself. Well, after spending a few days in the hospital this week I know know what the issue is. I must have...
  10. C

    Doe life span

    What is an average age for does to maintain production? 12 to 14 or is that too old?
  11. Rick

    Other Life around the deer pen

    so far 20 fawns and 3 Killdeer
  12. S

    The Miracle of Life

    On June 24, 1981, my beautiful nephew Chad was born. This was not just your typical birth, as his father, my brother Barry, was fighting the biggest fight of his life, CANCER. He was diagnosed with bone cancer 2 years prior. Barry was an die-hard trapper. This is what he did for a living and...
  13. W

    If ever in your life you were going to spend HUGE money on a doe, this is the one!

    Everyone needs to check out this auction on Whitetail Exchange. I Know this isn't where Russell wants things like this posted, but hopefully he will understand this one time. I am not trying to promote Whitetail Exchange with this post. This by far is the hottest place on the foruns right now...
  14. M

    Fellow Deer Farmer Looses Life To Fire

    Mike Cobb of Ultimate Whitetails of Oklahoma Lost his life Tuesday night to a House fire. Mike has left behind an 18 year old daughter and a set of Twins. In this time of need I ask that we all keep Mike's children and family in our prayers. As more information becomes available about the...