
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Deep Rooted Whitetails

    Lime fawn stalls

    Just prepping the stalls in case we have to bottle feed. If I lime them should there be a waiting period before I put fawns in the stall? Thanks, Brandon
  2. H

    Lime for deer pens

    What is best to lime the deer pens with. It seems like I read a few years ago to not use ag lime but a different lime.  Cant find it or reminder what it was. Thanks for the help.
  3. C


    Question about lime in pastures. Is there a differene in the lime that you use as far as barn lime or just regular feild lime? any idea of pounds per acre. thank you in advance.   Chuck
  4. Y

    Applying Lime

    There is an old spot where a gravity feeder used to be and after cleaning up the mess underneath I was going to apply lime to the area to try and kill off any bacteria. 2 Questions: 1. Is lime what needs to be applied here? 2. After applying the lime should I temporarily fence the area...
  5. richie0033

    lime for EHD?

    Getting ehd in Alabama and was wondering if I cover my pens with lime would it help? I fog everyday and spray trees with permethrin and diesel..antibiotics on feed water in pens..wormed deer with pour on and put extra garlic in feed daily..anything else I can do?
  6. D


    My herd is on less than 2 acres and lives on sandy soil. How often should I lime? When? Hydrated? How much, heavy, just a dusting? Do I have to till it in?
  7. T

    How much Lime?

    i filled in a 2 acre pond and was curious as to how much lime i should spread on an area of that size?
  8. South Alabama Whitetails

    Lime question

    I see discussions where farmers are liming every 2 or 3 months? Is this agriculturall lime or household lime and what is the purpose of the liming that often.