
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. gkazmierski7

    Limited knowledge but determined to learn

    Hello, I have had a growing interest over the last year in starting my own deer farm and yesterday I attended the United Deer Farmers of Michigan Convention in Mount Pleasant, MI. By attending, I confirmed that this is something I really did want to do based off the way everyone talked about...
  2. Martin's Deer Products

    Limited Amount of Darts ($10.00 per pack)

    24pxI only have a few packs of Pneu-Darts left at the ridicules low price of $10.00 per pack. Get them now or pay twice as much from the company. 14 packs - 4cc, Type C, 3/4" Needle, Gel Collar, Tri-Port 9 packs - 4cc, Type C, 1" Needle, Gel Collar, Tri-Port 7 packs - 4cc, Type P, 1" Needle...
  3. W

    Bovine Ecolizer Available - limited

    BOVINE ECOLIZER!!!!! Yesterday I recieved what could have been the only 36 botlles of Bovine Ecolizer in the country, fresh batch from Novartis. I have already sold 24 of them as of today. I have 12 bottles left. I also have 24 Bottles of Bovine Ecolizer + C20 available as well. Call me by 4pm...
  4. Martin's Deer Products

    Darts, 10% off on limited supply, while they last

    Call Henry at Streamline Products, Inc. to get the ones you want while supply lasts and save 10% off published price beside item below.   23 - .5cc, 1/2" Needle, Type C, Gel Collar - $15,25 ($13,72) 7 - .5cc, 3/4" Needle, Type C, Gel Collar, Tri-Port - $16.25 ($14.62) 17 - 1cc, 3/4"...
  5. 400CLUB


    The owner of the biggest Matt yearling buck in the fall of 2016 will be awarded $8,000!  This contest is limited to 20 straws.  $500/straw.  The straw can be split as many times as you'd like.  Email with orders or any questions.
  6. B

    X-Caliber and X-2 Pneu-Dart limited special

    Bf Products, Inc. is offereing a speacial deal on the first 2 Pneu-Dart X-Caliber Rifle and Pneu-Dart X-2 Pistol sold. This is $100.00 off the posted Pneu-Dart prices for each of these 2 offerings. Call Henry at (717) 238-7715 Monday thru Thursday 8am-5pm or call (717) 507-6385 evenings, Friday...
  7. B

    Ohio Trophy Breeders Auction specials and free delivery to the auction, limited space

    BF Products will be attending the Ohio Trophy & Breeders Auction on August 27-29. I am taking advanced orders for materials you may need and I will have them at the show for your pickup which will save you money on shipping. Space is limited so PLEASE DON'T DELAY or the van will be full. This...