
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Freedom Whitetails

    Doe lines

    Which doe lines are proven to throw the best breeder quality bucks ill go reno, who else
  2. D

    Re out of state movement of wildgame across state lines

    Hey folks if anyone while in your travels this season or over the holidays can snap any pics you see of any vehicles or vehicles with trailers with any deer or elk on them from Kansas eastward to please take some pics with your phone or  camera and licence tags with the state would be...
  3. M

    leach lines pen????

    Okay, Well in planning layouts of pens one design places the end of a leach field line in the pen. Now my question is will this cause problems with sickness? I know that you can't have cattle or horses on them because of weight but do any of you see a problem? Also I was thinking if we...