
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Red Deer stag loosing coat and condition

    My boy started loosing His summer coat on the neck and shoulders. leaving Bald patches of skin skin. Skin seems to be very sensitive and red. going black in about a week. then he lost condition. and his strength laying down all day. And stopped eating. the vet gave him some antibiotics. he...
  2. H

    Fawn loosing weight

    I have a june born fawn that broke its leg early but recovered. Weaned and moved in pen with other fawns. Had lump on jaw and treated for fuso. (draxinn and Baytril) Lump went away. reinjured broke leg. now it looks very very skinny. i moved it in the barn and have been giving draxxin, c&d...
  3. D

    Need help loosing fawns !!! HELP

    They are ok one day the next day they are kinda lethargic ears down and some kinda drooling a little their lower jaw gets puffy they make it about 2 days.IV tried several different meds I don't know if it's a virus or what but I need help!!!
  4. Wicked Whitetails

    3 yr old buck loosing weight

    I have a 3yr old buck that I have noticed is loosing weight. He is noticably skinnier than other bucks in the pen. He also looks droopy or depressed. Looking for some input on this and what you would give him meds wise.
  5. W

    Fawn on bottle loosing hair....

    Have a fawn on the bottle that is loosing his hair. He is only 18 days old and I just noticed it a couple of days ago. Smallest of quads, he only weighed 2lbs. Also, he seems healthy as a horse.
  6. W

    HELP Healthy fawn is loosing its ability to stand and use its legs

    We have a four week old fawn that in the past week it has slowly lost its ability to stand. At this point my wife wants to put her down but I do not have the heart. She still eats well and makes all kinds of happy fawns noises as she enjoys her bottle. Yesterday she could at least stand today...
  7. H

    Yearling Loosing Hair

    I have a yearling that is loosing hair on her rump. I am not sure if she is pulling it out because the flies, dry skin or something else. The rest of the does are fine. We put CyLence on all of the does a fews weeks ago because the flies were bad which worked immediately but may be wearing...