
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. R

    Drug for making bucks lose there antlers

    Anyone recall the name of the drug used to make bucks drop there antlers thanks in advance
  2. T

    Opponents of Deer Farming, Private Property Rights in Missouri Legislature Lose Re-elections

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom     18pxOpponents of Deer Farming, Private Property Rights in Missouri Legislature Lose Re-elections JEFFERSON CITY- After a much anticipated election night in Missouri and across the United States, the Missouri Deer Association is celebrating the...
  3. N

    Dont lose another Deer to EHD

    EHD is all over S. Texas and spreading, With tropical storm and Hurricane season upon us it will only get worse. Nobody has to lose another deer to EHd or the heat. Visit www.NAWPS.com to view references and testimonials. We have installed systems all over the nation. We now offer systems...
  4. P

    "Lose" Bowel Movements

    This is my first post to this forum and I must say, all you people are fantastic. Keep up the good work! My question concerns a doe fawn that was born in the early part of May at a farm near me. Her mother died and I ended up with her. When I got her, she was a little malnourished but came...