
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. woodedacreswhitetails

    buck fawn - lumps on face

    Hello fellow deer farmers!  I've posted a picture of a buck fawn that has lumps on his face, like warts or some kind of growth.  He is eating well and doesn't demonstrate any change of normal behaviour.  What do you think it is?  Is it something I need to be concerned about?  I have several...
  2. D

    Lumps new antlers. What are they?

    Lumps on the upper necks of my bucks .. They are just starting there new antlers..what are they?
  3. redwood_river_whitetails

    Doe and fawns with lumps

    Was wondering if everyone could look at these pictures and diagnos these lumps. The first 2 are of Pixie (bottle fed). The lump is like a marble and hard. The 3rd & 4th pictures are of a doe that just showed up with this lump. It flops around like loose skin. The last picture is her buck...