
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. V

    beer making kits

    me and my friend mark are fans of craft beer, brewing, home pub. Earlier, finding a good quality gift for a brand, even for a pro like me, was a problem. But thanks to the fact that I found a shopping guide on the most ideal site click here buying the perfect gift was guaranteed. Gifts are...
  2. R

    Drug for making bucks lose there antlers

    Anyone recall the name of the drug used to make bucks drop there antlers thanks in advance
  3. C

    fawn making baby noise when feeding

    hey, dumb question... Jeffrey has been loose for 7 days (he is 16 wks old) and all seems to be well except today when he came off the hill and I was giving him a small bottle of red cap (he had been looking thin since he has been free) and when I offered the nipple he made his baby noise...
  4. T

    fawns making noises when they breath mybe pneumonia ?? help please

    i just noticed the other day 2 of my 3week old fawns are making noises when they are breathing . kinda sounds like when you have a cold but in there windpipe . the other week 1 of the mother does was sick and i posted on here and i called the vet and the vet gave me draxxin shot to give her she...
  5. 400CLUB

    Making a business plan

    I have possible investors looking for a business plan. Any help or advice I could get would be greatly appreciated! Like...are there samples out there? Anyone know of a good firm that puts nice business plans together? Thanks in advance!
  6. U

    Making a wish to fish: Families get a break from hospitals and hardships for a day on

    Making a wish to fish: Families get a break from hospitals and hardships for a day on the lake By Alan Rogers, The Southern Monday, August 17, 2009 11:50 PM CDT WHITTINGTON - At age 7, Dawson DeCap has already overcome a lifetime's worth of adversity without complaint, but he still wasn't...