
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    International Farm Management

    Hi, to study about farm you should travel to various countries gathering information about farms, check this!. Visa Application procedures from India Consulate Tracker in India To Know India Visa To Know Indian Visa To Know Australia Visa To Know Indian Visa To Know India Visa To Know India Visa...
  2. A

    1st grade teacher ready to follow dream

    I'm a 32 year old woman, who's currently a 1st grade elementary school teacher,and I would like to start a deer farm from the ground up. I have had this dream for almost a decade now, since I met my husband and he took me shed hunting. The education field, is ran by people that know nothing...
  3. B

    Views on deer management and zoo experiences in UK

    Hi everyone! Im in my final year at university and am researching into how people view zoo experiences but more importantly how and if deer should be managed. I'd really love some responses, it should only take up to 5 minutes and is completely anonymous, thank you! :D...