
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. F

    Assortment of Mature Does For Sale all DNA pedigreed

    All these does bred to: STRING RAY HydraShock (Shockwave/Overdrive) / Dream Weapon/ EASY DOES IT Polar express Yardstick Triple Freeze Heartland Express BB/ Dream Rolex Dream Express Mufasa Package deals and delivery available in the state of Alabama only!! FreMar Whitetails LLC 256-425-8278
  2. S

    Sick mature doe

    2009 doe had 2 fawns 6-16-16. Good delivery, big size fawns. Yesterday was pacing the fence, ears looked droopy. This morning was bouncing into the fence, then layed back down. Had trouble walking. Went back down to pen and fed a mixture of molasses and Karo syrup in warm water...licked it up...
  3. 400CLUB

    Group of 5 mature does, 6 doe fawns, 25 straws. $3750

    First $3750 takes the whole package! 2013 bottle fed and tame doe. Skeeter (245" Hardcore / PA Geronimo) / Marty Graw / Sundance. (2) 2015 doe fawns out of the Skeeter doe above. AR-15 (One of biggest Big Guy sons 300" @ 2) / Skeeter / Marty Graw / Sundance. 2013 bottle fed and tame doe...
  4. B

    Mature doe with scours for weeks. Any advice plz!

    I got a five yr old rolex doe that's had scours for weeks. She has no worms, not coccidiosis or E. coli. Shes not lethargic, eats more than any deer I have and is a frame of bones and her stool is like water. She also grinds her teeth and licks the fence constantly. Any advice would be much...
  5. S

    3rd Mature Buck in 3 Weeks about to Die!??

    3 days ago I noticed one of the 3yr old bucks I have in a pen with 5 others did not come up to feed. Went looking for him and found him laying down. On my approach he let me get closer than normal before he got up, and when he got up, he had trouble maintaining his balance, but gained his...
  6. J

    Mature Bucks!

    Lets see some pictures of the mature sires that are really showing how to put big frames on the ground.