
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. W

    Membership in ADWA and Heartbeat Magazine questions

    For some reason I can not get ahold of ADWA or Heartbeat magazine to find out why my membership and subscription have not been sent to me. I paid for them both the same day, 2 Jan 2013, and both amounts of money have came out of my checking. I think this has been more than enough time for both...
  2. S

    IDEFA Annual Membership Meeting & Fundraiser

    The Indiana Deer & Elk Farmers Association will be holding their Annual Membership Meeting & Fundraiser on April 27th in Shipshewana, Indiana at the Chupp’s Auction Center. The complete IDEFA Journal/Auction Catalog can be viewed on our website at Auction Schedule...
  3. S

    NADEFA Membership Meeting March 14th

    Please take note of this date and plan on attending. I have been told by several that the attendance will be scant at best. And That there are several of us that are better at complaining than helping. Lets Make a CHANGE! It's Time To Become ONE! Thursday March 14th fron 12:00 to 1:00 pm