
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    The best 7 minutes of gun control speech!

  2. E

    Minutes from American Cervid Alliance's conference call 12-13-12

    Cervid Industry Leaders Workgroup CWD Issues and Governmental Challenges Conference Call Minutes Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:00P.M. Call In Number: 605-475-4700 Access Code: 835295# 1. Call Meeting To Order by moderator Eric Mohlman. Time: 7:04pm CST 2. Roll Call Andrew Azcarraga...
  3. J

    60 Minutes tonight

    Here is a link to a segment on CBS 60 Minutes about big game hunting in TX. I think its actually a pretty good video, it makes the animal rights person look pretty ignorant and narrow minded. I hope the link works. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7396832n&tag=contentBody;storyMediaBox...
  4. A

    NAEBA Board Meeting Minutes

    Minutes from the past NAEBA Board Meetings have been posted in the NAEBA Private Forum for members only. http://www.naelk.org/index.cfm