I have a mother that has chewed both her fawns ears completely down to the base. This has cause an infection in the ears and swelling. Has anyone else dealt with this and is there anything I can put on the ears to stop her from going after them. Tried blue kote and it didn't stop her.
Until recently I was deer farming with my father until he passed away in October. He always took care of weaning the animals and unfortunately I was not present. I am looking for ideas/recommendations on the best way to separate the fawn from its mother? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I have done it with dogs (beagles) with good success. Dont know the pros and cons doing it with deer. Let me know your opinion or experience if you have done it
Wondering what everyone's take is on separating mother raised fawns as far as time frame. There is many topics on weaning regarding bottle fawns throughout this forum, but got to thinking that this may be a good informational topic for both experienced and novice farmers. I personally have...
Swamp Creek Whitetails will be doing a complete herd dispersal in conjunction with the Buckeye Fall Trophy & Breeder Auction October 10, 11 in Dalton Oh. The John Miller family is moving to Tennesee where deer farming is not allowed and have decided to offer the herd at auction. Lil Bear's...
I remember having seen a webpage of a farm that raises their fawns with goats as substitute mothers. Anyone know which farm this is? I cannot seem to find remember and am in need of some urgent advice. Thanks
wondering what might be wrong with my 1 doe . she has siliva coming from her mouth and has part of her tongue hanging out sometimes . she had triplets 1 was still born and 1 i found dead and the other 1 she is caring for . looks like she still has her winter coat . her back hip bones are up...
Hello everyone, I am very new to this site so any help would be appreciated. A mother whitetail was hit by a car and it had a fawn with her. Neighbor brought the fawn to me and I have been feeding her for 24hrs. Every 2 hours shes eating 6-9 oz and I am massaging her back end to stimulate her to...
My plan is to down size significantly this year, and I want to get rid of my does that are nursing as soon as I possibly can. I don't want to risk the ultimate health or growth of my fawns, but again, need to get rid of them asap. The majority of my fawns are born between June 1st and June 25th...
I have a 1 week old fawn and the first 4 days it had diarreah really bad and i gave it some kaopectate early this morring and it seem to be helping but now it has not pooped! also i ran out of it powered milk yesterday and the coop didnt have any more until tomorrow,i had to feed it some thing...
tonight i seen a 3 week old doe fawn go to eat from her mom, she ate a little then started wagging her tail furiously and momma started licking her bottom and i swore i seen blood behind her tail, so I ran up to the house grabbed the binoculars and seen the fawn had a golf ball sized abcess...
I have a doe with two buck fawns on her. She is very week from heat exhaustion (dog got in pen), do not known if she will make it. My question is the fawns are three weeks old and very jumpy, do I pull the fawns or see if the other ( 7 )does in the pen will take them on. I did see one of the...
Hi Brigid,
Here are a few of the pictures from Zac's deer hunt on 9-18-09 to 9-20-09.
He went out Friday evening when we got to the ranch and saw 5 deer but none were in class that he could shoot. He was so excited when he saw them and his little brother got to go out with him along with dad...
I pulled a fawn about 9pm last off mama and this morning noticed in the pen stains all over the pad. I lifted her out to change pad and was wiping her butt and noticed that she has extremely runny-watery poop coming out.
What would cause such runny poop....she was just shy of 24 hours when...
Had a first time mother give birth Monday morning to 2 fawns, a buck and a doe, she would not clean up fawns and would run away from them, after 20-30 mins we went out and pulled fawns, cleaned them up fed them a tube of first catch. also fed them 4oz of milk, a couple hours later was able to...